Posts by Moosemandan

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Fishing for Men…caught!

God chooses the men you catch. Upon the rugged shores, with[…]

John 15

Let the good fruit weep out of you Today I drove[…]

It’s not about the wine!

Trusting in Jesus’ Grace: Lessons from the Wedding at Cana In[…]

The Cross

More than wood. Before my relationship with Jesus, I never understood[…]


It’s all about the vertical relationship The relationships here on earth[…]

Moose in the Valley

In the quiet hush of morning light,A moose awakes from dreams[…]

Climb out of your valley.

A journey through the valley will never be greater than the[…]

Service Before Self

Service Before Self. Service before self is a common value amongst[…]

Amish Country

I’d take the Amish country over a smaller big town any[…]

Faith and Actions

In life, faith and actions are two sides of the same[…]