God chooses the men you catch.
Upon the rugged shores, with a heart so true,
He cast his nets for souls, in waters deep and blue,
With every step, his burden heavy lay,
Hoping to guide lost hearts, to find their way.
But oh, the stormy seas did rage and howl,
And he felt his spirit breaking, with each darkened hour,
He was the one who needed saving,
By the hand of God, so unfailing.
He thought his calling clear, to heal and mend,
Yet in the depths, his soul, it cried to end,
A silent plea, a heart so frail,
He reached for the heavens, “Father, don’t let me fail.”
In the darkest night, he felt a touch so warm,
A love that wrapped him close, amidst the storm,
He found his strength in the embrace of grace,
And in God’s light, he found his place.
Though the stormy seas did rage and howl,
He knew he’d never break, no longer bowed,
For he was saved by the greatest love,
The boundless mercy from above.
Now he treads the shores with a heart renewed,
Casting nets with hope, under skies so true,
For he knows the truth, deep within,
That God’s the one who saves, and takes us in.
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