The Cross

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More than wood.

Before my relationship with Jesus, I never understood the cross. A big clunky couple of pieces of wood thrown upright in a hole dug in rock-rich ground. Then there was Jesus. The view was no longer on the cross and it was everything to do with who was hanging on that cross and why He had to die. It’s akin to looking at our freedoms today, rather than looking at the men and women who fought for it and lost their lives. The core belief behind the cross is God used it as an instrument in his chorus to save man from eternal damnation. Without it we would all be destined for hell because none of us would be deemed worthy. We’re only worthy because of the work on the cross. If not for the LOVE of God and the rest of the music coming together, we’d all be waiting for the crescendo to excite our highest needs – life eternal with the Father.

I Corinthians 1:18

  • (ESV) For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

I was in a marching band. By the time I got towards the end of the marching path, my arms were jelly from carrying around that baritone and occasionally holding up that trumpet. I can’t imagine what those moments would have been like carrying that wooden cross. They say a cross back then would have weighed roughly 300 pounds. Jesus carried that cross for roughly 2000 feet or 1/3 of a mile to Calvary. The instrument isn’t as important as knowing the person playing it. Jesus was the BEST instrument player and the only One who could have played those notes for us. He carried our sins on that cross. Thank You Jesus for what the cross means and how the veil was torn the day You died on that cross. You made a way for us to be with the Father for eternity. Thank You Father for loving us enough to give Your Son on that cross. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to dwell in each of us who would come to confess Jesus as Your Son who died for our sins that we might have everlasting life with You.



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